Hey Snatched Queens and Goal Chasers. I hope everyone is keeping safe and well.
I would to welcome everyone to my new blog section, exclusively on msfitqueen.com
I know that we have all been through an intense year and if it didn’t break you, well then I encourage you to take this new found strength and smash this incoming year. Is it necessarily a new you? Perhaps not, BUT, it is a more resilient, patient, understanding and roll with the punches version of Yourself.
As some of you may know, my full time job is within the Health Service and I remember the very first meeting in January for COVID-19. At the time, I was just going through the motions ready for it to be a here today, gone tomorrow experience. Then, it grew and grew and grew on a quiet scale, before months later it was officially confirmed a global pandemic.
My job is already very high pressured and you really do have to be made of thick skin to get through the day to day rigours of the demand. However, this took me to a level of mental tenacity which I haven’t tapped into for years….Probably since my sister passed away…oh, and when I had my heart broken…But, I digress lol.
This year has been sooooo brutal on all of us and I just wish you all peace and happiness as you go into 2021. You may not feel the ‘all guns blazing’ energy to attack your goals. However, if you made it through 2020, you are much tougher than you know.
My Top tips for tapping into the Best Version of Yourself in 2021:
Write down a few simple goals.
It can be something as easy as setting up your business account or being more social on you social media account to grow your brand
Your vibe attracts your Tribe.
Be very aware of the company you keep, they can literally make you or break you!! That’s not to say that everyone is out to get you, so you don’t have to walk around paranoid. But, the energy, swords, discussions and general vibe of your peoples can literally determine where you are 6 months from now. I’m speaking from experience
Don’t block your blessings.
This year a few opportunities arose and I had to grab them with open arms, otherwise I really would have missed out and I would be kicking myself right now. I didn’t write an advanced list of pros and cons, but I thought it over, prayed about it and went for it. BEST DECISION EVER!! Now, one of my new sayings is, jump into a new venture with Full Chest. Don’t overthink it, don’t delay it. It either works or it doesn’t, either way – that’s okay.
Every Hour MUST be productive.
That doesn’t necessarily boil down to work work work. If you’re resting, Rest! If you’re eating, enjoy every bite. If you’re spending time with family and friends, give them your full attention and enjoy that moment.
Take each day as it comes. Ohhh, its sooo cliché but one thing I haven’t done this year, is excessive planning. I have overarching visions and goals for myself which drive me every single day. However, the how and when they are executed are completed in a much less stressful manner now. I’m terrible at not putting pressure on myself but, I encourage you to not put too much pressure on yourself. What will be will be and you don’t even know the next second of your life, let alone the next week, month or 5 years!! Wake up in the morning fresh and take whatever life throws at you day by day.
These may be such simple points which you are fully aware of already. However, perhaps seeing them from me will resonate with you.
Comment below and let me know some of your key tips for 2021. I will be reading them all!!
New Year, same You, just a better version, Let’s Go Goal Chassers.
MsFitQueen x