Hey Queens, welcome to my Basketball Batty Challenge! Get ready for an exciting 4-week intensive challenge, designed to help you sculpt and strengthen your glutes. Our focus? Time under tension, targeted glute workouts and expert nutritional guidance catered to your individual needs.
But wait, there's more up for booty grabs! You'll also enjoy highlight videos from yours truly throughout the week, as I embark on this challenge alongside you. It's all about applying pressure, having fun, and achieving some amazing results together.
I understand that everyone is screaming all things booty. However, we have a greater advantage. Not just any techniques will be used round here – Instead, we're diving into my special Nyashology techniques which work wonders for all shapes and sizes. Why settle for boring peaches when we're aiming for Basketballs? Regardless of if yours is small, big, or moderately humble, the key to a stronger, more stunning booty is all about the SHAPE.
As we get started registration is still open, so please don't keep this excitement to yourself – invite your friends to join us on this incredible journey. Let's hoop our way to fabulous glutes and create some slam-dunk transformations!

Please note that 'ADD ON' services are an additional charge which will be included alongside the standard service.
For more info: Please email us at